Precision turning services – lathe machining
of metals, wood, and other suitable materials
Allied For Tech provides various conventional and CNC* lathe** machining services. We consistently meet our clients’ precision, accuracy, and quality standards. Our experience allows us to provide dedicated and superior turning services – lathe machining. We are committed to offering only the highest quality work. Combining access to the latest technology and equipment with a team of highly trained and talented personnel and sub-contractors, we are your ideal source for precision parts and services that meet clients’ unique needs.
Our conventional and CNC machining includes turning services – lathe machining is equally suited for producing steel, iron, aluminum, and wooden components. Here’s where precision and accuracy are of the utmost importance, and a human touch is implemented. Moreover, the direct and individual approach is often used with the woodturning services that we widely offer to our customers.
(*) Computer Numeric Control (CNC) is the automation of machine tools operated by computer-programmed commands.
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(**) A lathe is a machine that performs turning operations. Excess material is removed from an object rotated with a cutting tool.
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